Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tourist or Local?

In the week that we've been in Paris, twice I have been stopped for directions. The first time was by a French tourist, the second time by an American. The American didn't even bother to ask if I spoke English, just blurted out, "Do you know where the Arc de Triomphe is?" (Um, if you look at a map, it kind of stands out, dude.) 

I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or offended. Do I look so blatantly un-French in my mom-gear that it's obvious I'm an anglophone? Or do I just look like I know my way around?

I suppose I should be satisfied that I successfully directed both inquirers in their respective languages. But the true moral is: I need to go shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Diana helped me figure out the blog. I've been missing it. Your blog is like a book - amusing and entertaining. Your comments are so honest. The pictures are outstanding. When Pops and I visited the Doyles in Switzerland, the people were always pinching the grand kids. Guess it's an international ok thing to do! Hugs and love to all
